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"Unlock Your Imagination with addicting stories that will make your toes curl, your heart race and have you blushing while panting for more. I am La'mone and you are invited into my world."


Authoress Chari La'Mone

Mistress of erotica 

Latest  Release

The Chronicles of Sin Acts III & IV
The Final Cut 


The gang is back and this time they are all fighting to get out of the webs they have spun. Causing their lives to spin out of control. Pay back, Murder, Truth Exposed and of course sex all come bubbling to the surface. How will these four ever return to their normal lives again.

Photo of the cover for the Chronicles of Sin Acts III & IV

Dope writer! The books has so many twists and turns. It’s very sensible and had me lost within the pages!!

I. Smith 

Reader Reviews

 A stimulating read! This book The Chronicles of Sin Acts I &II was awesome. A must read. This opened up some steamy dialogue with my husband and I as well. Had me on the edge of my seat couldn't put it down. The end has me yearning for the next book.

Lisa Green 

Couldn't put it DOWN! Leaves you waiting for more. A great read.



Short Story Series 

 I'm excited to share with you my short story series, Tangled Web. It features Troy, a man trying to make up for his past wrongs and dirt done behind his girlfriend Janay's back. But when he attempts to end his relationship with his doxie, Sasha, things take some unexpected turns.
You can find a new episode every week in the blog tab. So, take a journey with Troy and explore all of the twists and turns that life throws at him. Let's get tangled!

Headshot photo of Chari La'Mone

About Chari 

Authoress Chari La'Mone is an up and coming author with a passion for writing and a vivid and wild imagination. She began writing short stories and poetry when she was young and started writing erotic fiction in 2009. Her books are vivid and captivating and she is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with. Find out what she's up to and follow her journey as she pens her next novel.

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